Attention Seed Buyers from outside Canada

Some countries require that phytosanitary certificate  accompany seeds entering their jurisdiction. You can check with your country's Plant Import Department regarding tree seed import regulations. If required, each species ordered will need a separate certificate.

We can obtain phytosanitary certificates but there is a charge of $20 per species.
Please search for Phytosanitary Certificate under "What are you looking for?" see below

In the United States the buyer must obtain and provide a Small Lots of Seed Permit to GreenTree Agroforestry Solutions before the order will be shipped. This permit can be obtained through the APHIS-USDA website


Deciduous Trees and Shrub Seeds

  • 'George Kennedy' Ussurian Pear Seed

    AgroForestry Solutions 'George Kennedy' Ussurian Pear Seed

    2 reviews

    Latin Name: Pyrus ussuriensis DESCRIPTION Family: Rosaceae Native Range: Northeast Asia Seed Source: Ussurian pear growing in a seed production orchard near Indian Head Saskatchewan. Height and Spread: 7m x 4m Overview: 'George Kennedy' Ussurian pear is well adapted to cold temperate regions. Its vigorous, dense growth makes it useful for shelterbelts. The attractive flowers and yellow-orange autumn color enhance its aesthetic value. Short, stubby branches (spurs), that are thorn-like, form before developing into another branch. The seed strain was named in honour of George Kennedy an early Tree Inspector at Indian Head Fruits: Pear-shaped and 3-4 cm in diameter with multiple seeds. Ripens in September. Average number of seeds/packet: 200 SEED TREATMENT / SOWING Stratification: Stratify in moist sand (10% moisture) for 90 days at 5°C. Ideal sowing time: Non-pretreated seed outdoors in late September (will germinate the following spring) or stratified seed in spring. Sowing instructions: Outdoors - Sow 2 cm deep and 50 seeds/meter; Greenhouse - sow 3 seeds per cell 1 cm deep. Growing conditions: ‘George Kennedy’ Ussurian pear is well-adapted to most soil types except heavy, poorly drained, and high lime soils. It performs very well on sandy soils. AGROFORESTRY VALUE The 'George Kennedy' seed strain is excellent for field and farmstead shelterbelts, intercropping, reclamation, and wildlife habitat plantings. All plants produce fruit. The fruit is hard, but may be used for jams and jellies and sweetens after a frost.  

    $20.00 - $25.00

  • 'Waxwing' Siberian Crab Seed

    AgroForestry Solutions 'Waxwing' Siberian Crab Seed

    1 review

    Latin Name: Malus baccata DESCRIPTION Family: Rosaceae Native Range: Native to central and eastern Siberia. Seed Source: Seed production orchard near Indian Head Saskatchewan. Height and Spread: 6m x 5m (5 years). Overview: The 'Waxwing' seed strain was developed for prairie tree planting. It is a composite of selected Siberian crabapple trees. This seed strain is ideally suited for agroforestry planting. It is fast-growing and provides excellent food and cover for wildlife. Fruit: Multi-seeded apples are either red or yellow and vary in size from 1-2 cm. Average number of seeds/packet: 800 SEED TREATMENT / SOWING Stratification: Water soak for 72 hours then stratify in moist sand (10 percent moisture) for 10 days at 5°C. Ideal sowing time: Non-pretreated seed outdoors in late September (will germinate the following spring) or stratified seed in spring. Sowing instructions: Sow 1.0 cm deep,50 seeds/meter; Greenhouse - sow 3 seeds per cell. Growing conditions: ‘Waxwing’ Siberian crab favors medium to heavy soils that are somewhat poorly to well-drained with a pH of 5.5 to 7.0. Full sun is preferred for best performance, but they will tolerate light shade. AGROFORESTRY VALUE 'Waxwing' Siberian crab is used in shelterbelts, Eco-Buffers, and wildlife habitat plantings. It provides good food and cover for birds. The fruit is eaten by birds during winter, they attract large flocks of cedar waxwings.  

    $20.00 - $25.00

  • 'MacDonald' Manitoba Maple Seed

    AgroForestry Solutions 'MacDonald' Manitoba Maple Seed

    Latin Name: Acer negundo DESCRIPTION Family: Aceraceae Native Range: Western Canada, Central United States Seed Source: Selected stands in the Qu'Appelle Valley near Katepwa Lake, Saskatchewan Height and Spread: 15m x 5m (25 years) Overview: The 'MacDonald' seed strain was developed for agroforestry planting in the Canadian prairies. It is an excellent long-lived tree species that is fast-growing and ultra-hardy. 'This seed strain was named in honour of Dan MacDonald a long-time tree planting inspector at the Dominion Forest Nursery Station at Indian Head from 1913 to 1949. Fruit: A samara consisting of two oval carpels joined at the base and each terminating in a broad membranous wing. Average number of seeds/packet: 175 SEED TREATMENT / SOWING Stratification: Stratify in moist sand at 5°C for 45 days Ideal sowing time: Spring (stratified seed) or fall (non-stratified) Sowing instructions: Sow 2 cm deep, 50 seeds/meter; Greenhouse - sow 3 seeds per cell. Growing conditions: Best growth on medium textured soils with soil pH 7.0 to 8.0. Fertilization is not required. AGROFORESTRY VALUE 'MacDonald' Manitoba maple is used in farm or field shelterbelts where a fast-growing, flood-tolerant, tough tree is needed. The seed strain is easy to grow, does well on most soils, frost and drought-resistant. Its sap can be used to produce maple syrup.  

    $20.00 - $25.00

  • Russian Olive Seed

    AgroForestry Solutions Russian Olive Seed

    1 review

    Latin Name: Elaeagnus angustifolia DESCRIPTION Family: Elaeagnaceae Native Range: Eurasia Seed Source: Established trees near Rafferty Lake, Saskatchewan. Height and Spread: 9m x 5m (15 years) Overview: A fast-growing tree that is a nitrogen fixer. It is extremely hardy and adapted to low-quality, droughty soils. It prefers well-drained soils of medium texture and will tolerate moderately saline soils. Seed can be spread by birds to unwanted locations. Fruits: A silver-coloured dry achene 3 to 6mm long. Fruits remain on shrubs over winter. Average number of seeds/packet: 150 SEED TREATMENT / SOWING Stratification: Stratify seeds for 60 days at 5C and 30 days at 20C.  Ideal sowing time: Stratified seed in late May, non-stratified seed in October. Sowing instructions: Outdoors - sow 2 cm deep. Outdoor seedbed- sow 50 seeds/meter; Greenhouse- sow 3 seeds per cell. Growing conditions: Does well on a variety of soils, including those with high pH and moderately saline. Requires full sunlight, and does not tolerate shade. Agroforestry Value Used for reclamation and wildlife habitat plantings on marginal soils.  

  • 'Plains' Green Ash Seed

    AgroForestry Solutions 'Plains' Green Ash Seed

    1 review

    Latin Name: Fraxinus pennsylvanica var. subintegerrima DESCRIPTION Family: Oleaceae Native Range: Southern Canada in the Prairie Provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, United States Northern Great Plains. Seed Source: 'Plains' green ash shelterbelt near Indian Head Saskatchewan. Height and Spread: 15m x 5m (25 years). Overview: Found in bottomlands and river valleys in the Prairie Provinces. 'Plains' green ash is an excellent species selection for agroforestry applications. 'Plains' green ash is an improved seed strain developed for tree planting in the Canadian prairies and other cold temperature regions. Fruit: A samara consisting of one oval carpel terminating in a broad membranous wing. Average number of seeds/packet: 275 SEED TREATMENT / SOWING Stratification: Soak dry seeds for 3 days in cold water, then stratify 60 days in moist sand at 5°C. Ideal sowing time: Spring (stratified seed) or fall (non-stratified). Sowing instructions: Sow 2.0 cm deep, 50 seeds/meter; Greenhouse - sow 3 seeds per cell. Growing conditions: Tremendous adaptability to a wide variety of soils and climates. Agroforestry Value 'Plains' green ash is used for farmstead and field shelterbelts, as a deciduous long-lived tree component of Ecobuffers, and to revegetate surface-mined lands, flood plains, and other areas where a moderately fast-growing, tough tree is needed. Green ash is easy to grow and transplant. It will withstand long periods of spring flooding.  

    $20.00 - $25.00

  • LittleLeaf Linden Seed

    AgroForestry Solutions LittleLeaf Linden Seed

    Latin Name: Tilia cordata DESCRIPTION Family: Malvaceae Native Range: Europe. Seed Source: Selected mature landscape trees in the town of Indian Head, Saskatchewan. Height and Spread: 12m x 10m (25 years). Overview: There are numerous vegetative propagated littleleaf linden cultivars available, however, seed propagated trees are rare. This seed strain is from selected open-pollinated landscape trees growing at Indian Head Saskatchewan. Using seed propagated trees increases diversity making a population more adaptable to changing environments and pests. Fruit: Small, round brown, or tan nutlet. Average number of seeds/packet: 75 SEED TREATMENT / SOWING Stratification: Soak seeds in water for 24 hours, then stratify 90 days in moist sand at 20°C followed by 90 days at 5°C. Ideal sowing time: Spring (stratified seed) or fall (non-stratified). Spring sowing of unstratified seed will germinate the following spring. Sowing instructions: Sow 1.0 cm deep, 50 seeds/meter; Greenhouse - sow 3 seeds per cell. Growing conditions: Tolerates a variety of soils and a wide range of pH. Moderate drought tolerance and tolerates soil compaction. Agroforestry Value Littleleaf Linden has been widely planted because of its prunability, fragrant flowers, and dark shiny leaves. Littleleaf linden has all the features of a good urban tree: It is symmetrical, relatively pest-free, and tolerant of most growing conditions save for extreme drought and compaction.  


  • 'Kai-Fu' Amur Tree Lilac Seed

    AgroForestry Solutions 'Kai-Fu' Amur Tree Lilac Seed

    Latin Name: Syringa reticulata ssp. amurensis DESCRIPTION Family: Oleaceae Native Range: Southeast Siberian and Northeast China in the Amur River Region Seed Source: Improved seed strain growing at Indian Head, Saskatchewan.  Height and Spread: 7m x 6m  Overview: The 'Kai-Fu' seed strain originates from trees grown from seeds collected in Northeast China. The parent tree has a multitude of creamy-white fragrant flowers blooming in July. It is a small multi-stemmed tree. The seed strain is named in honour of Xaing Kai-Fu a Chinese colleague who assisted with a 1991 Canadian seed collection expedition to Northeast China. Fruit: Seed ripens in a capsule in late summer. Average number of seeds/packet: 200 SEED TREATMENT / SOWING Stratification: Pre-soak seed for 24 hours then stratify in moist sand (10 percent moisture) for 90 days at 5°C. Ideal sowing time: Non-pretreated seed outdoors in September (will germinate the following spring) or stratified seed in spring. Sowing instructions: Sow 1.5 cm deep, 50 seeds/meter; Greenhouse - sow 3 seeds per cell. Growing conditions: The 'Kai-Fu' seed strain is adapted to most soils and is hardy to zone 3. AGROFORESTRY VALUE 'Kai-Fu' Amur tree lilac is best for landscape and street planting The dense growth habit is well suited for providing wind and snow protection. It provides excellent cover and habitat for songbirds and small mammals. Lilac species are rated excellent for pollen availability. The attractive white blooms add fragrance and beauty to plantings.  

    $20.00 - $25.00

  • 'Mitchell' European Mountain Ash Seed

    AgroForestry Solutions 'Mitchell' European Mountain Ash Seed

    Latin Name: Sorbus aucuparia DESCRIPTION Family: Rosaceae Native Range: Eurasia Seed Source: Selected trees growing in the town of Indian Head, Saskatchewan.  Height and Spread: 8m x 6m (25 years) Overview: The seed strain was developed for agroforestry planting in the Canadian prairies. It is an excellent long-lived tree species that is fast-growing and hardy. 'This seed strain was named in honour of Archibald Mitchell Assistant Superintendent at the Dominion Forest Nursery Station at Indian Head from 1908 to 1911. Fruits: A fleshy berry-like pome. Average number of seeds/packet: 800 SEED TREATMENT / SOWING Stratification: Stratify in moist sand at 5°C for 180 days Ideal sowing time: Spring (stratified seed) or fall (non-stratified) Sowing instructions: Sow 1.0 cm deep, 50 seeds/meter; Greenhouse - sow 3 seeds per cell. Growing conditions: Best growth on medium-textured soils with soil pH 7.0 to 8.0. Fertilization is not required. AGROFORESTRY VALUE 'Mitchell' mountain ash is used in wildlife plantings, shelterbelts, or eco-buffers where a fast-growing, tough tree is needed. The seed strain does well on most soils, frost and drought resistant. It provides a good crop of berries for winter birds.

    $20.00 - $25.00

  • 'Redwing' Tatarian Maple Seed

    AgroForestry Solutions 'Redwing' Tatarian Maple Seed

    Latin Name: Acer tataricum Family: Aceraceae Native Range: Asia and eastern Europe Seed Source:  Seed production orchard near Indian Head Saskatchewan. Height and Spread: 5m x 4m (25 years) Overview: Tatarian maple grows best in moist well-drained soil, but tolerates a variety of soils, poor soil fertility, and is pH adaptable. The 'Redwing' tatarian maple seed strain was selected for its tolerance to dry and alkaline soils. Its name reflects the bright red samaras. It tolerates shade but develops a better fall color if grown in full sun. Fruits: Fruit samaras are 1.5-2.5 cm long, held in small panicles, and red to brown in colour. Average number of seeds/packet: 125 SEED TREATMENT / SOWING Stratification: Soak the seed for 24 hours and then stratify in moist sand at 5°C for 120 days. For May 1 sowing start stratification January 1. Ideal sowing time: Spring (stratified seed) or fall (non-stratified) Sowing instructions: Outdoors - sow 1.0 cm deep, 50 seeds/meter; Greenhouse - sow 3 seeds per cell. Growing conditions: Best growth on medium-textured soils with soil pH 7.0 to 8.0. Fertilization is not required. Agroforestry Value 'Redwing' tatarian maple is used in farm or field shelterbelts where a fast-growing, flood tolerant, tough tree is needed. The main ornamental value of 'Redwing' tatarian maple is its red fall color and fruit. This is an excellent, low-growing tree for small yards. It is sometimes used for hedges or screens.  

    $20.00 - $25.00

  • 'Maeorshan' Manchurian Maple Seed

    AgroForestry Solutions 'Maeorshan' Manchurian Maple Seed

    Latin Name: Acer mandshuricum DESCRIPTION Family: Aceraceae Native Range: Northeast China, Korea, and Eastern Siberia Seed Source: Selected trees from a seed collection expedition to Northeast China Height and Spread: 10m x 5m (25 years) Overview: This rare maple from the mountain forests of China forms a small tree whose 3-parted leaves become a flame of red early in autumn. The 'Maoershan' seed strain was collected during a seed expedition to Heilongjiang Province of China in 1991. The selected trees were growing in a mountainous region near the North Korean border with China.  The strain is named after the region in Northeast China where the seed was collected. Fruits: A samara consisting of two oval carpels lined at the base and each terminating in a broad membranous wing.  Average number of seeds/packet: 60 SEED TREATMENT / SOWING Stratification: Stratify in moist sand at  20°C for 120 days followed by 5°C for 120 days. Ideal sowing time: Spring (stratified seed) or fall (non-stratified) Sowing instructions: Sow 2 cm deep, 50 seeds/meter; Greenhouse - sow 4 seeds per cell. Note: Low germination capacity (30-40 %). Growing conditions: Best growth on medium-textured soils with soil pH 7.0 to 8.0. Fertilization is not required. AGROFORESTRY VALUE 'Maoershan' Manchurian maple is best used in landscape settings, it is not well-suited for shelterbelts or exposed sites. Hardy to Zone 3.  

  • 'Yusen' Manchurian Snakebark Maple Seed

    AgroForestry Solutions 'Yusen' Manchurian Snakebark Maple Seed

    Latin Name: Acer tegmentosum DESCRIPTION Family: Aceraceae Native Range: Northeast China Seed Source: Selected trees from a seed collection expedition to Northeast China Height and Spread: 10m x 5m (25 years) Overview: The 'Yusen' seed strain was collected during a seed expedition to the Maoershan region of Heilongjiang Province of China in 1991. The selected trees were growing in a mountainous region near the North Korean border with China. This is a hardy seed strain, typically multi-stemmed, and reaches a mature height of 8-10 meters. The distinctive characteristic which sets them apart from other maples is their smooth, bright-green bark with blue-green to white stripes of varying widths forming a pattern reminiscent of a snake’s skin. The strain is named after the Chinese professor,  Zhang Yusen, who guided the 1991 seed collection expedition to Northeast China. Fruits: A samara consisting of two oval carpels lined at the base and each terminating in a broad membranous wing. Average number of seeds/packet: 100 SEED TREATMENT / SOWING Stratification: Stratify in moist sand at 5°C for 120 days Ideal sowing time: Spring (stratified seed) or fall (non-stratified) Sowing instructions: Sow 2 cm deep, 50 seeds/meter; Greenhouse - sow 3 seeds per cell. Growing conditions: Best growth on medium-textured soils with soil pH 7.0 to 8.0. Fertilization is not required. AGROFORESTRY VALUE 'Yusen' Manchurian snakebark maple is best used in landscape settings, it is not well-suited for shelterbelts or exposed sites.   


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