Latin Name: Acer negundo
Family: Aceraceae
Native Range: Western Canada, Central United States
Seed Source: Selected stands in the Qu'Appelle Valley near Katepwa Lake, Saskatchewan
Height and Spread: 15m x 5m (25 years)
Overview: The 'MacDonald' seed strain was developed for agroforestry planting in the Canadian prairies. It is an excellent long-lived tree species that is fast-growing and ultra-hardy. 'This seed strain was named in honour of Dan MacDonald a long-time tree planting inspector at the Dominion Forest Nursery Station at Indian Head from 1913 to 1949.
Fruit: A samara consisting of two oval carpels joined at the base and each terminating in a broad membranous wing.
Average number of seeds/packet: 175
Stratification: Stratify in moist sand at 5°C for 45 days
Ideal sowing time: Spring (stratified seed) or fall (non-stratified)
Sowing instructions: Sow 2 cm deep, 50 seeds/meter; Greenhouse - sow 3 seeds per cell.
Growing conditions: Best growth on medium textured soils with soil pH 7.0 to 8.0. Fertilization is not required.
'MacDonald' Manitoba maple is used in farm or field shelterbelts where a fast-growing, flood-tolerant, tough tree is needed. The seed strain is easy to grow, does well on most soils, frost and drought-resistant. Its sap can be used to produce maple syrup.