You must now obtain a 'Small Lots of Seed' Permit This permit can be obtained free of charge through the APHIS-USDA website. . The buyer must obtain and provide a Small Lots of Seed Permit to GreenTree Agroforestry Solutions before the order will be shipped
Other Publications (technical and project reports)
Schroeder W R and J Mirck. 2013. Progress Report – SaskWater effluent irrigated woodlot project. Progress report No. 3 SaskWater Corp. Moose jaw, SK.
Schroeder W R. 2012. Poplar clone factsheet series. Poplar Council of Canada Edmonton AB.
Schroeder W R and H de Gooijer. 2012. Riparian Buffers: Barriers to Adoption and Environmental Impacts of Harvest. Final report - Project 106CE Addressing Key Barriers and Issues to the Extensive Deployment of Short-Rotation Plantation/Agroforestry Energy Systems in Canada. Clean Energy Fund. Office of Energy Research and Development (OERD), Natural Resources Canada.
Schroeder W R. 2012. Poplar breeding and ex situ conservation summary. Report to Poplar Council of Canada. 3p.
Schroeder W R. 2012. AC Sundancer poplar - Cultivar registration. International Registration Authority Registrar Brooklyn NY.
Schroeder W R. 2012. AC Autumn Glow sea buckthorn - Cultivar registration. International Registration Authority Registrar Brooklyn NY.
Schroeder W R. 2012. AC Prairie Sunset sea buckthorn - Cultivar registration. International Registration Authority Registrar Brooklyn NY.
Savoie P and W R Schroeder. 2011. Agriculture’s contribution to bio-based energy. Final Report - Project I11.011. ecoETI Program, Office of Energy Research and Development (OERD), Natural Resources Canada. 30pp.
Schroeder W R 2009. Agroforestry Research Review. AAFC-AESB Agroforestry Development Centre, Indian Head Sk.
Schroeder W R and J Kort. 2008. Agroforestry systems for energy production. Final Report - Project TID8-31. Developing Short Rotation plantation/agroforestry systems for bioenergy generation in Canada. ecoETI Program, Office of Energy Research and Development (OERD), Natural Resources Canada.
Schroeder W R. 2007. Hybrid poplar clones for Saskatchewan. AAFC-PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Publication. Indian Head SK.
Schroeder W R. 2007. Okanese poplar factsheet. AAFC-PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Publication. Indian Head SK.
Schroeder W R. 2006. Hybrid poplar plantations for farm diversification in Saskatchewan. ADF Project 20010048 Report. Agriculture Development Fund, Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food, Regina SK. 58p.
Schroeder W R, Walker D S and G Inouye. 2006. Saskatchewan Report on International family test of Eurasian larch species. AAFC-AESB Agroforestry Development Centre, Indian Head Sk.
Schroeder W R. 2005. Harvest Moon sea buckthorn - Cultivar registration. International Registration Authority Registrar Brooklyn NY.
Schroeder W R. 2005. Orange September sea buckthorn - Cultivar registration. International Registration Authority Registrar Brooklyn NY.
Schroeder W R. 2005. Technical Consultancy Mission #3 - Shelterbelt management and control of Asian longhorned beetle Anoplophora glabripennis in the Three North region of China. FAO TCP/CPR/2903(A) 2005 Technical Report No. 3, FAO Rome. 9p.
Schroeder W R. 2004. Poplar breeding project report. Memorandum of Agreement Alberta Pacific Forest Industries and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Al-Pac, Boyle AB. 6p.
Schroeder W R. 2004. Technical Consultancy Mission #2 - Shelterbelt management and control of Asian longhorned beetle Anoplophora glabripennis in the Three North region of China. FAO TCP/CPR/2903(A) 2005 Technical Report No. 2, FAO Rome. 17p.
Schroeder W R, Silim S, Fradette J, Patterson J and H de Gooijer. 2003. Detailed site analysis and mapping of agroforestry potential in the northern agricultural zone of Saskatchewan. FDF Project Report. Forest development Fund, Saskatchewan Forest Centre, Prince Albert SK. 33p.
Schroeder W R. 2003. Technical Consultancy Mission #1 - Shelterbelt management and control of Asian longhorned beetle Anoplophora glabripennis in the Three North region of China. FAO TCP/CPR/2903(A) 2005 Technical Report No. 1, FAO Rome. 15p.
Schroeder W R, Jana S, Franklin P. and B Barl. 2002. Sea buckthorn cultivar and orchard development in Saskatchewan. ADF Project 98000273 Report. Agriculture Development Fund, Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food, Regina SK. 68p.
Schroeder W R. 2002. Tolerance of shelterbelt trees to pre-harvest application of Glyfos. Project Report to Cheminova Inc.
Schroeder W R. 2001. Considerations for hybrid poplar production. AAFC-PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Publication. Indian Head SK.
Schroeder W R. 2001. Growing hybrid poplars as a crop. AAFC-PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Publication. Indian Head SK.
Schroeder W R. 2001. Short rotation woody crop suitability. Agri-Food Innovation Fund Project 19990416 Final Report. Regina, SK.
Schroeder W R. and D A Reynard. Insect pest control for choke cherry fruit production. . Agri-Food Innovation Fund Project 96000350 Final Report. Regina, SK.
Schroeder W R. and L K. Alspach. 2001. Screening herbicides for weed management in bush fruit orchards. Agri-Food Innovation Fund Project 96000351 Final Report. Regina, SK.
Schroeder W R. 2001. Improved trees and technology for Christmas tree production in Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Christmas Tree Growers Association, Agri-Food Innovation Fund Project 96000377 Final Report. Regina, SK 54p.
Schroeder W R. 2000. Final Report – Testing progeny of Colorado spruce for blue needle color. Dept of Biology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon SK.
Schroeder W R. 2000. FAO Populus breeding Project – Development of improved poplar seeds and cuttings - Sea buckthorn development in China. FAO CPR/009/BEL Report September 2000, FAO Rome. 4p.
Schroeder W R. 1999. The impact of glyphosate drift on green ash shelterbelts. Industry Project Report. Monsanto Canada. 23p.
Schroeder W R. Propagation and Soils – Annual Reports 1982-1999. AAFC-PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Annual reports 1982-1999. Indian Head SK.
Schroeder W R and T Li. 1999. A growers guide to sea buckthorn. AAFC-PFRA Shelterbelt Centre, Indian Head SK.
Schroeder W R, Li T and D Walker. 1999. Indian-Summer sea buckthorn. PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Supplementary Report 95-1. AAFC-PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Indian Head SK. 43p.
Schroeder W R and S Jana S.1999. Development and demonstration of sea buckthorn for commercial cultivation and processing in Saskatchewan. ADF Project 95000439-19BR Report. Agriculture Development Fund, Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food, Regina SK. 65p.
Schroeder W R. 1999. Technical Consultancy Mission - Sea buckthorn development in China. FAO CPR/96/107 1999 Technical Report No. 2, FAO Rome. 44p.
Schroeder W R. 1998. Technical Consultancy Report - Sea buckthorn development in China. FAO CPR/96/107 1998 Technical Report No. 1, FAO Rome. 12p.
Schroeder W R. 1997. Determination of poplar wood quality and land suitability. FDF Project 96000472 Report. Forest Development Fund, Saskatchewan Forest Centre, Prince Albert SK. 23p.
Schroeder W R. 1997. Assembly of native woody plant germplasm for conservation plantings. Final Report – Green Plan Canada Project.
Schroeder W R. 1997. PFRA Shelterbelt Centre – Tree Improvement Summary. Great Plains Tree Improvement Committee annual meeting. June 24, 1997. Rapid City, SD.
Schroeder W R. and D S Walker. 1996. Seed Propagation of trees and shrubs for conservation planting. PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Supplementary Report 96-4. AAFC-PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Indian Head SK. 41p.
Schroeder W R and P Moore. 1996. Development of Wood’s rose, western snowberry and potentilla ecovars and direct seeding technology. Final Report Ducks Unlimited Canada, Winnipeg MB. PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Supplementary Report 96-3. 8p.
Schroeder B and S Faye. 1996. Mulches as an alternative method in Saskatoon berry orchards. Report to Pest Management Review Agency. PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Supplementary Report 96-1. Indian Head SK.
Schroeder W R and Y Yao. 1995. Sea buckthorn: A promising multi-purpose crop for Saskatchewan. PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Supplementary Report 62. Indian Head SK. 10p.
Schroeder W R. 1995. Improvement of conservation trees and shrubs. PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Supplementary Report 95-1. Indian Head SK. 43p.
Schroeder W R. 1992. Poplar Choices. PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Fall 1992 Newsletter. Indian Head SK.
Schroeder W R. 1990. Report on a seed collection expedition to northeast China. PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Staff Publication No. 182. Indian Head SK.
Schroeder W R, Kort J and G M Luciuk. 1987. Shelterbelt study tour report. Canada/USSR Working Group Report, Indian Head SK. 14p.
Schroeder W R. 1985. Report on a seed collection mission to Siberia. Canada/USSR Working Group Report, Indian Head SK. 20p.