Some countries require that phytosanitary certificate accompany seeds entering their jurisdiction. You can check with your country's Plant Import Department regarding tree seed import regulations. If required, each species ordered will need a separate certificate.
We can obtain phytosanitary certificates but there is a charge of $20 per species. Please search for Phytosanitary Certificate under "What are you looking for?" see below
In the United States the buyer must obtain and provide a Small Lots of Seed Permit to GreenTree Agroforestry Solutions before the order will be shipped. This permit can be obtained through the APHIS-USDA website
Schroeder W, Mirck J, Kahn S, Rasmussen K and N Henderson. 2012. Capacity of poplar and willow clones to withstand high levels of wastewater application. In Proceedings: 24th Session of International Poplar Commission, Oct 29 – Nov 2, 2012, Dehradun India.
Soolanayakanahally RY and Schroeder WR (2012) Breeding Salix as a multifunctional crop for biomass, bioenergy and environmental application. Poster presentation: 24th Session of International Poplar Commission, Oct 29 – Nov 2, 2012, Dehradun India.
Schroeder W. 2011. A high density agroforestry design using native species. In: Proceedings: Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association meeting, August 16-17, 2011. Denver Colorado. USDA Forest Service.
Schroeder W and H de Gooijer. 2011. Willow buffers for biomass production and riparian protection. Poster Presentation: 12th North American Agroforestry Conference, June 2011. Athens Georgia.
Mirck J and W Schroeder. 2011. Water uptake by native willows on the prairies. In Proceedings: Joint Conference of Poplar Council of Canada and IPC Environmental Applications Working Party. September 18-24, 2011. Edmonton AB. pp.50.
Schroeder W, Pharo C, Naeem H and B Murray. 2011. Using willow riparian buffer strips for biomass production and riparian protection. In Proceedings: Environmental Applications of Poplar and Willow Working Party Meeting, September 17-18, 2011. Montelibretti, Rome, Italy.
Schroeder WR, Silim SN, Soolanayakanahally RY, Reynard D, Guy RD, Isabel N and Olson MS. 2010. The AgCanBaP balsam poplar collection - An example of poplar genetic resource conservation in Canada. Poster Presentation: Fifth International Poplar Symposium, September 20-25, Orvieto, Italy.
Talbot P, Thomspon S, Lamothe M, Schroeder W, Bousquet J and N Isabel. 2008. Introgression between native and exotic poplars on the Canadian prairies. Poster Presentation: 31st Meeting of Canadian Forest Genetics Association August 25-28, 2008. Quebec City QC.
Schroeder W, Walker D, Silim S and D Reynard. 2008. AAFC-PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Tree improvement summary. In Proceedings: 31st Meeting of Canadian Forest Genetics Association. August 25-28, 2008. Quebec City QC pp.66-69.
Schroeder W R and J Kort. 2007. An overview of windbreaks in modern agriculture. Keynote presentation. In: Proceedings 10th North American Agroforestry Conference, June 10-13, 2007. Quebec City QC.
Schroeder W and L Alspach. 2007. Effects of vegetation control method on growth of agroforestry tree species. Poster presentation: 10th North American Agroforestry Conference, June 10-13, 2007. Quebec City QC.
Schroeder W R, Kort J, Pharo C, Simpson J, Stefner C, Murray B, Vezina A and N Thevathasan. 2007. Agroforestry Systems for energy production. In: Proceedings 10th North American Agroforestry Conference, June 10-13, 2007. Quebec City QC.
Schroeder W R, Kort J, Pharo C, Simpson J, Stefner C and B Murray. 2007. Willow riparian buffer strips for biomass production and riparian protection. In: Proceedings Soils and Crops Workshop, March 1-7, 2007, Saskatoon SK.
Schroeder W, Walker D, Silim S and D Reynard. 2006. AAFC-PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Tree improvement summary. In Proceedings: 30th Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association. July 24-27, 2006. Charlottetown PEI. Pp.61-64.
Schroeder W R, Walker D S, Inouye G, Barber C and K van Rees. 2006. International family test of Eurasian larch species. In Proceedings: Symposium on Siberian larch in Forestry and Products. August 21-22, 2006. Arvidsjaur Sweden.
Schroeder, W.R. Walker, D.S. Inouye, G.M. Silim, S. Thomas, B. Niemi, F. Radersma, F and G. Harrison. 2005. Early growth of hybrid poplar clones in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Poster Presentation: Canadian Institute of Forestry/Poplar Council of Canada Annual Meeting. August 2005. Prince Albert, SK.
Schroeder, W R, Inouye, G. Silim, S. and K. van Rees. 2005. Hybrid poplar plantations for farm diversification in Saskatchewan. Poster Presentation: Canadian Institute of Forestry/Poplar Council of Canada Annual Meeting. August 2005. Prince Albert, SK.
Schroeder W R, Silim S, Inouye G and K van Rees. 2005. Weed control intensity affects growth of hybrid poplar clones. Poster Presentation: Canadian Institute of Forestry/Poplar Council of Canada Annual Meeting. August 2005. Prince Albert, SK.
Schroeder, W.R. Walker, D.S. Inouye, G.M. Silim, S. Thomas, B. Niemi, F. Radersma, F and G. Harrison. 2005. Early growth of hybrid poplar clones in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Poster Presentation: Canadian Institute of Forestry/Poplar Council of Canada Annual Meeting. August 2005. Prince Albert, SK.
Schroeder W, Walker D, Silim S and D Reynard. 2004. AAFC-PFRA Shelterbelt Centre Tree improvement summary. In Proceedings: 29th Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association. July 26-29, 2004. Kelowna BC. Pp.75-77.
Schroeder, W.R. Silim, S. Inouye, G. and L. Kalcits. 2004. Weed management in hybrid poplar. Poster Presentation: Poplar Council of Canada Annual Meeting. August 2004. Vancouver, BC.
Nash, B., van Rees, K. Schroeder W.R. and S. Silim. 2003. Responses of three related hybrid poplar clones to varying soil NH4+ and NO3- ratios. Poster Presentation: Poplar Council of Canada Annual Meeting. August 2003. Rouyn-Noranda, QC.
Schroeder W. 2002. PFRA Shelterbelt Centre tree improvement summary. In Proceedings: 28th Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association. July 22-25, 2002. Edmonton AB. pp.72-75.
Schroeder, W.R. 2002. Overview of ADF sea buckthorn project. In: Proceedings Sea Buckthorn Workshop, March 1, 2002, Indian Head, SK.
Franklin, P. Schroeder, W.R. and S. Jana. 2001. Development of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) as an agroforestry crop on the Canadian prairies. In W. Schroeder and J. Kort (ed.). Temperate agroforestry: Adaptive and mitigative roles in a changing physical and socioeconomic climate. Proc. Conf. Agrofor. N.A. & Conf. Plains Prairie for. Assoc. Aug 13-15, 2001. Regina, Sk
Walker, D.S., and W.R. Schroeder. 2001. Clonal evaluation of hybrid poplar on the Canadian prairie. In W. Schroeder and J. Kort (ed.). Temperate agroforestry: Adaptive and mitigative roles in a changing physical and socioeconomic climate. Proc. Conf. Agrofor. N.A. & Conf. Plains Prairie for. Assoc. Aug 13-15, 2001. Regina, Sk. p. 301-310
Schroeder, W.R and J. Kort 2001. Editors: Temperate agroforestry: adaptive and mitigative roles in a changing physical and socio-economic climate. Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial Conference on Agroforestry in North America. August 13-15, 2001. Regina, Saskatchewan. 345p.
Schroeder, W.R. 2001. Land Suitability for hybrid poplar plantations. LUSTR Co-operative Workshop Proceedings: Hybrid poplar cultivation, management and economics. June 5, 2001. Thunder Bay, ON.
Schroeder W R, Jana S and P Franklin. 2001. Development of commercial sea buckthorn cultivars for Canadian orchards. In Proceedings: International Workshop on Sea Buckthorn, Beijing China.
Schroeder W. 2000. PFRA Shelterbelt Centre tree improvement summary. In Proceedings: 27th Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association. August 15-17, 2000. Sault Ste. Marie ON. pp 88-91.
Schroeder, W.R. 2000. Development of land suitability maps for hybrid poplars. In: Proceedings International Poplar Commission Session. Sept 23-30, 2000, Portland OR.
Schroeder W. 1997. PFRA Shelterbelt Centre tree improvement summary. In Proceedings: 26th Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association. August 18-21, 1997. Sainte-Foy QC. pp.112-115.
Schroeder W R. 1997. Sea buckthorn, a promising multi-purpose crop. In proceedings: native Fruit Workshop. March 1, 1997. Killam AB. p.7-19.
Schroeder W R. 1997. Choke cherry cultivars for processing. In: From Field to Freezer – Chilling Technologies for Small Fruits Workshop. April 25-26, 1997. Saskatoon SK. p.1-7
Schroeder, W.R.1997. Tree improvement for shelterbelts. In: Proceedings: International Symposium on Afforestation in Semi-Arid Regions, Findings and Perspectives. June 1-6, 1997. Datong PRC. pp.142-149.
Schroeder W R. 1996. Choke cherry cultivars for the prairies. In proceedings: Choke Cherry Production Workshop. March 15, 1996. Indian Head SK. Pp. 18-26.
Schroeder W R. 1995. Nursery propagation of native woody plants. In Proceedings: Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan 1st Annual Meeting. January 12, 1996. Saskatoon SK. p.1-10.
Schroeder, W.R. 1995. Native plant research summary. In: Proceedings of the Native Plant Summit: Feb 28-March 1, 1995 Bismarck, ND. p. 3-4.
Schroeder W R. 1995. Choke cherry fruit production. In Proceedings: Cropportunities III Conference. July 19-20, 1995. Saskatoon SK. Pp. 121-126
Schroeder W. 1995. PFRA Shelterbelt Centre tree improvement summary. In Proceedings: 25th Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association. August 28 – September 1, 1995. Victoria BC. pp.69-72.
Schroeder, W. R. and Alspach, L. K. 1995. Herbicide Program at the PFRA Shelterbelt Centre. In: Landis, T.D.; Cregg, B., tech. coords. National proceedings, Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-365. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station: 80-83.
Schroeder, W.R. 1993. International plant material directory. In: Proceeding of the Fourth International Symposium: Windbreaks and Agroforestry July 26-30, 1993. Viborg Denmark. pp.79-86.
Schroeder, W.R. 1993. Genetic improvement for prairie tree plantings. In: Proceedings of the International Society for Arboriculture 69th Annual Conference and Trade Show, August 8-11, 1993, Bismarck ND.
Schroeder W. 1993. PFRA Shelterbelt Centre tree improvement summary. In Proceedings: 24th Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association. August 15-19, 1993. Fredericton NB. pp.116-118.
Schroeder, W.R. 1992. Tree improvement for conservation planting in the Canadian prairies. In: Proceedings of the International Society for Arboriculture, Prairie Chapter Annual Conference, October 1992, Saskatoon, SK.
Schroeder W R and L K Alspach. 1992. Performance of green ash in competition with weeds. In proceedings: North American Forest Biology Workshop August 17-20. Sault Ste. Marie ON.
Schroeder, W.R and D.S. Walker. 1991 Tree improvement for Shelterbelt planting in the Canadian prairies. In: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Windbreaks and Agroforestry June, 1991. Ridgetown, ON. pp.40-42.
Schroeder W. 1991. PFRA Shelterbelt Centre tree improvement summary. In Proceedings: 23rd Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association. August 19-23, 1991. Ottawa ON. pp.119-121.
Schroeder W. 1989. Shelterbelt tree improvement. In Proceedings: 22nd Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association. August 14-18, 1989. Edmonton AB. pp.110-111.
Schroeder, W.R. and D. Walker 1988. Propagation Research Review. In Proceedings: 40th annual meeting, Great Plains Agricultural Council Forestry Committee, June 27-30, 1988; Regina, SK.
Schroeder, W.R. 1989. Shelterbelt tree improvement, PFRA Shelterbelt Centre 1987-89. Paper - In: Proceedings of the 22nd Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association, Part 1. Aug 14-18, 1989. pp.110-111.
Schroeder W R and J Kort. 1988. Shelterbelt research in the Soviet Union. In Proceedings: 40th annual meeting, Great Plains Agricultural Council Forestry Committee, June 27-30, 1988; Regina, SK. p.105
Schroeder, W.R. 1988. Utilization of poplars in the prairies. In: Proceedings of Poplar Council of Canada, Edmonton, AB.
Schroeder W R and D S Walker. 1988. Shelterbelt tree improvement. In Proceedings: 40th Annual Meeting Great Plains Agricultural Council Forestry Committee. June 27-30, 1988. Regina SK. Pp. 143-145.
Schroeder, W.R. 1987. Storage of nursery stock. In: Proceedings of the Prairie Fed/Prov Nurserymen's Meeting. CFS Info Report NOR-X-307.
Schroeder, W.R. 1987. Genetic improvement of Siberian larch for prairie shelterbelts, In: Proceedings 5th Annual North Central Tree Improvement Conference. August 1987, Fargo ND. pp.150-155.
Schroeder W. 1987. Shelterbelt tree improvement. In Proceedings: 21st Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association. August 17-21. Truro NS. pp.72-75.
Schroeder, W.R. 1985. Field production of rooted poplar cuttings for prairie plantings. In: Proceedings Western Forest Nurseryman's Association. USDA For Ser Gen Tech Report.
Schroeder W. 1985. Shelterbelt tree improvement. In Proceedings: 20th Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association. August 19-22, 1985. Quebec City QC. pp.163-166.
Schroeder, W.R. 1984. Development of cold hardiness through tree improvement. In: Proceedings of the Great Plains Agriculture Council - Forestry Committee Meeting, Watertown, SD.